Take Back Control With Comprehensive Brand Protection

Preserve your brand reputation and deliver a consistent experience.

Don’t Let Them Ruin

What You’ve Built

Unauthorized sellers can wreak havoc for a brand, undermining pricing and creating a negative experience for shoppers. Our brand protection services align brand strategies and efforts across the entire ecosystem to solve gray-market issues and maintain your brand integrity.

Proactive And Reactive Strategies To Protect Your Brand

  • Unauthorized seller and gray-market strategy development

  • Evaluation of existing agreements and direction on internet authorization policy best practices

  • MAP policy violation monitoring

  • Amazon Brand Registry support and guidance

  • Digital ID technology to ensure product authenticity and eliminate counterfeits

How Do I Protect My Brand On Amazon?

This is one of the most common questions we get from brand owners, and it’s not a simple answer. Third-party sellers make up over half of all sales on the Amazon marketplace, and they don’t always adhere to brand standards and MAP policies. When that happens, brands can take action — both at the distribution level and on the marketplace — to improve Amazon brand protection.


What Level Of Brand Protection Is Right For Me?

We meet our clients where they prefer to manage their business. Use our software to simply highlight your consumer touchpoints and automate reporting, or engage our team for full-service protection. Whatever route is right for your brand, Netrush has you covered.

  • 100%

    Visibility Into The Impact Of Unauthorized Sellers

  • 3

    Marketplaces: Amazon US, Amazon CA, Walmart.com

  • 70+

    Brands Rely On Netrush Brand Protection Services

Ready To Take Back Control?